Cruisin down the pipe in my 'sader
Jockin the locals, slappin the 'bears
Went to the planet to scan the loop
Knuckleheads out there cold shootin some fools
A ship pulls up, who can it be?
A fresh thrasher, minnie g
He rolls down his window and he started to say
It’s all about makin that PvP
-Thanks to Dr. Dre for the inspiration....can you name that song I butched? :)
No luck in the solo department this weekend. Believe it or not, I found nothing to kill! I'm crusin' around in my crusader and it seems any solo attempt I had, they had the right fit to counter my 15k ground and pound. I did not travel to some more populated areas as I was not ready to pop my 'sader to a FW blob. Will have to refine my baiting attempts and try again this week. Hopefully I'll have a few kills to share as I go for the gold!
On an unrelated note - thanks needs to go out to Rixx Javix for doing me a HUGE favor by doing a writeup about my banner. I will unleash the other banner I am trying to choose from probably tonight when I get home from work. So come back and check it out soon and let me know what you think after you have seen them both!
Until then, jock some locals and slap some 'bears!
Solo Avalanche
13 hours ago