I had somewhat of an epiphany last night.
I love PvP. In order to pursure that love, I have to PvE. It's like having a mistress who pays me to be with PvP but I would never want them to meet.
It made me think of my blogs title; POS Life. POS can mean two things in relation to Eve. With a little imagination I think you can figure out both meanings. :)
The darkside, POS, is PvE - the curse!
The bright side, Life, is PvP - the immortality!
I don't think this is the only meaning that can be derived from POS Life, but recently this has been how I've felt about it. I have done more PvE than PvP lately which has led me to be somewhat dry of things to write about of my own experience.
Hopefully it's not a POS blog at the moment! Rereading my epiphany, I seem like somewhat of a madman. So there you have it kids, PvE rots your brain!
Solo Avalanche
13 hours ago